Predestinate Children vs. Reprobate Children

In an era of global chaos, uncertainty, and division, it would seem that unity among all people of the world would be the ultimate goal for humanity, at least by those who wish to have peace and unity. But that simply will never be. According to St. Louis De Montfort, from the beginning until the end of the world, God the Father has willed it to be that He will have children by Mary. He tells her to “Dwell in Jacob” (Ecclus. 24:13), which means that Mary is to dwell in the predestined children that are prefigured by Jacob rather than the reprobate children of the devil, prefigured by Esau. We can think of it this way: Jacob represents the predestined children of Mary, while Esau represents the reprobate children of the devil. 

In the good St. Louis De Montfort’s words:

Just as in the natural and corporal generation of children there are a father and a mother, so in the supernatural and spiritual generation there are a Father, who is God, and a Mother, who is Mary. All the true children of God, the predestinate, have God for their Father and Mary for their Mother. He who has not Mary for his Mother has not God for his Father. This is the reason why the reprobate, such as heretics, schismatics and others, who hate our Blessed Lady or regard her with contempt and indifference, have not God for their Father, however much they boast of it, simply because they have not Mary for their Mother. For if they had her for their Mother, they would love and honor her as a true child naturally loves and honors the mother who has given him life. (T.D., no. 30)

The most accurate and unquestionable way of telling the difference between a heretic (a reprobate) from one of the predestinate, is that the heretic/reprobate has nothing but disdain and indifference for the Blessed Mother. He/she may speak of her in derogatory terms or may misrepresent her role in our salvation. These reprobates may be very open about their feelings of contempt, or they may go about it in a more subtle manner. According to St. Louis De Montfort, God the Father has not told Mary to dwell in them because they are of Esaus. However, it is my personal belief that God allows these souls every possible benefit and means by which to find Mary. Perhaps that is what this saint means when he says: “God the Father has not told Mary to dwell in them.” He doesn’t say that God forbids her to dwell in them, but rather it would appear, at least to me, that He discourages it. And because of Mary’s profound humility and love of all her children, even those who look upon her with indifference or contempt, she in turn may choose to cry for those souls in a plea to God the Father to save them from eternal damnation.

I am not suggesting that all children of the devil will eventually repent of their wickedness and be saved. After all, we may consider what the children of Fatima were told by Our Lady when they saw a vision of Hell with souls looking like “transparent burning embers.” What I am suggesting is that perhaps there are those such as the modern-day Protestants who have their own special place in the Lord’s heart. They were born generations after St. Louis De Montfort’s time, and many of them wouldn’t even have had the opportunity to know and love Mary as the Queen of all hearts and the Mother of all mothers simply because they were never shown the way to her heart. The difference between those who do not know Mary because of ignorance and those who are the true children of the devil who will always hate her will become very clear as we go on.

Mary, Our Mother

The next part is best put forth by directly quoting St. Louis De Montfort. Many sections of True Devotion to Mary need to be dissected over and over again before their true meaning can be fully comprehended, and this is one of them. I have found that I need to read it several times before I can completely understand its significance and grasp the full scope of what this saint is telling us when he says:

God the Son wishes to form Himself, and, so to speak, to incarnate Himself in His members every day, by His dear Mother, and He says to her: “Take Israel for your inheritance.” (Ecclus. 24:13) It is as if He had said: God the Father has given Me for an inheritance all the nations of the earth, all men, good and bad, predestinate and reprobate. The ones I will lead with a rod of gold, and the others with a rod of iron. Of the ones, I will be the Father and the Advocate; of the others, the Just Punisher; and of all, the Judge. But as for you, My dear Mother, you shall have for your heritage and possession only the predestinate, prefigured by Israel; and as their Mother, you shall bring them forth and take care of them; and as their sovereign, you shall conduct them, govern them, and defend them. (T.D., no. 31)

In a previous post, I briefly discussed the topic of space aliens and UFOs, and in so man words, I stated that these space entities cannot have Mary for their Mother. (It would be beneficial to read that post before you continue with this one.) St. Louis De Montfort tells us that Jesus Christ is the Head of men, and He is born in Mary. Therefore, the predestinate, who are members of that Head, should also be born in Mary by what he calls a “necessary consequence.” He tells us that it would be a “monster of nature” if Mary were to bring one into the world without the other. In other words, the head and the members must be connected. He says:

So in like manner, in the order of grace, the head and the members are born of one and the same Mother; and if a member of the Mystical Body of Jesus Christ—that is to say, one of the predestinate—where born of any other mother than Mary, who had produced the Head, he would not be one of the predestinate, nor a member of Jesus Christ, but simply a monster in the order of grace. (T.D., no. 32) 

According to St. Louis De Montfort, the good St. Augustine proclaims that in order to be conformed to the image of the Son of God, all the predestinate in this world are hidden in Mary’s womb where they are protected, nourished, and raised to grow by her until she has led them to glory after death, which the Church calls the day of birth for the just. St. Louis De Montfort reveals that the Holy Spirit took so much pleasure in Mary’s earthly existence that He desires to find her on earth while she is also in Heaven. He wishes for Mary to reproduce herself in His elect, her children, where they will grow in virtues and graces. In them, He will find the roots of Mary’s unshakeable faith, her great humility, her ubiquitous mortification, her magnificent prayer, her fervent charity, her steadfast hope, and all of her other virtues. He tells her that her faith will give Him His faithful, her purity will give Him His virgins, and her fertility will give Him His temples and elect.

We may consider what St. Louis De Montfort tells us when he uses the phrase “monster of nature.” In describing Mary’s relationship as Mother of the predestinate, he explains how and why the Head (God the Son) and the members (the predestinate children) are connected; anything else would be a “monster in the order of grace.” So outside of Planet Earth where we and Mary were born, who is the mother of those life forms that ride around in UFOs and spaceships? Because it cannot be Mary, for reasons we have learned, then we need not go any further in pondering how and why those life forms are there. Based on personal experience, I have many thoughts on that. But I’ll save those insights for another time.

1 thought on “Predestinate Children vs. Reprobate Children”

  1. Beautifully presented. Jesus on the cross himself appointed his mother as the mother of all mankind.Belive or not believe.

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