Our Lady of Fatima – Private Visions of Jacinta Marto – Part 2

This post is a continuation from the previous one. In it, I’ll continue to share some visions that Jacinta Marto had during and after the apparitions.

On Priests and Rulers

These are quotes of Jacinta, taken directly from de Marchi. They all have to do with the topic of priests and rulers:

“My godmother, pray a great deal for sinners!” 

“Pray a great deal for Priests!”

“Pray a great deal for the Religious!”

“Priests should only occupy themselves with matters of the Church.”

“Priests should be pure, very pure.”

“The disobedience of Priests and Religious to their Superiors and to the Holy Father greatly offends Our Lord.”

“My godmother, pray a great deal for governments!”

“Woe to those who persecute the Religion of Our Lord!”

“If the government left the Church in peace and gave freedom to the Holy Religion, it would be blessed by God.” (Cf. de Marchi, pp. 255-256; Walsh, p. 161).

On Sin

Regarding the topic of sin, Jacinta had this to say: 

“The sins which take most souls to hell are sins of the flesh.”

“Some fashions will come which will greatly offend Our Lord.”

“Persons who serve God should not follow the fashions. The Church has no fashion. Our Lord is always the same.”

“The sins of the world are very great.”

“If men knew what eternity is, they would do everything to change their lives.” 

“Men are lost because they do not think of the death of Our Lord and do not do penance.”

“Many marriages are not good; they do not please Our Lord, and they are not of God.”

On Christian Virtues

Here are Jacinta’s words on Christian virtues, and you will see where Mother Godinho inserts a couple of questions:

“My godmother, do not walk in the midst of luxury; flee from riches.”

“Be a good friend to blessed poverty and silence.”

“Have great charity, even with those who are evil.”

“Harm no one and run from whoever speaks evil.”

“Be very patient, because patience takes us to Heaven.”

“Mortification and sacrifices greatly please Our Lord.”

“Confession is a sacrament of mercy. Therefore, it is necessary to approach the confessional with courage and joy. Without confession, there is no salvation.”

“The Mother of God desires more virgin souls who join her in the vow of chastity.”

“To be a Religious it is necessary to be very pure of soul and body.”

“And do you know what it means to be pure?” asked Mother Godinho.

“Yes, yes,” answered Jacinta. “To be pure of body is to retain one’s chastity; and to be pure of soul is not to commit sins; not to look at what should not be seen, not to steal, never to lie, always to tell the truth no matter what it costs. . .”

“Whoever does not fulfill the promises made to Our Lady will never be happy in their affairs.”

“The doctors do not have the knowledge to cure the sick, because they do not have love of God.”

“Who was it who taught you these things?” asked Mother Godinho.

“It was Our Lady,” said Jacinta, “but some things I thought of. I like to think a great deal.” (Cf. de Marchi, pp. 254-256; Walsh, pp. 161-162).

Noticing that many visitors conversed and laughed in the chapel of the orphanage, Jacinta asked Mother Godinho to warn them of the lack of respect for the royal Presence which this represented. This measure not having brought about satisfactory results, she asked that the Cardinal be advised: “Our Lady does not want people to talk in church.” (Cf. de Marchi, p. 252; Walsh, p. 160).

The Last Days of Jacinta

During her short stay in the hospital, Jacinta was favored with new visits from Our Lady, who announced to her the day and the hour when she would have to die. Four days before Our Lady took her to Heaven, the holy Virgin took away all her pain. 

On the eve of Jacinta’s death, someone asked her if she wanted to see her mother. Jacinta answered: “My family will remain a short time and soon will meet in Heaven. . . Our Lady will appear again, but not to me, because I am surely dying, like she said. . .” (Cf. de Marchi, p. 262).

Jacinta was buried in the cemetery of Villa Nova de Ourem. (Francisco, who passed away first, was buried in the cemetery in Fatima.) On September 12, 1935, Jacinta’s mortal remains were transferred to the cemetery in Fatima where they were deposited in a tomb especially built for her and her brother. On the tombstone, a single inscription said: “Here lie the mortal remains of Francisco and Jacinta, to whom Our Lady appeared.”

A Note to the Readers

I thought this might be a good time to request some feedback from readers. I would love to know if you are interested in reading more about Fatima or if you would like me to continue with the St. Louis De Montfort series? Another interesting topic would be Our Lady of La Salette. And then there is the topic of spiritual warfareSince this is a relatively new blog, having only been in existence for less than six months, I think it’s important to find out from those who are reading it what particular topics they are interested in. So please feel free to send me a private email or write a comment under this post. 

And one more thing before I close, for those of you who have found this page through Facebook, please be advised that for now I will not be posting any new content on my Facebook page that isn’t directly related to this blog. For some reason, Facebook has decided to block me from posting new content until I show them either my passport, driver’s license, marriage certificate, or national ID card, among other things. So if you notice that I’ve seemingly gone silent on Facebook, it’s only because of its invasive act of requesting my identification in order to allow me to continue to post. 

Thank you in advance for your patience and understanding, and I also thank Our Lady and the Holy Spirit for their continued guidance, gifts of wisdom and discernment, and supernatural protection as we navigate through the waters of this strange era that St. Louis De Montfort refers to as “the latter times.” 

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