Mission Statement

Through the inspirational and prophetic writings of St. Louis De Montfort in his book True Devotion to Mary, it is my hope and prayer that many sinners will be converted and souls will be saved. Regarding his masterpiece, St. Louis De Montfort prophesied this: 

"I clearly foresee that raging beasts shall come in fury to tear with their diabolical teeth this little writing and him whom the Holy Ghost has made use of to write it—or at least to smother it in the darkness and silence of a coffer, that it may not appear. They shall even attack and persecute those who shall read it and carry it out in practice." (T.D., no. 114) 

The battle lines are clearly drawn. The Virgin Mary, Mother of God, is forming her army of warriors—great saints who are to be the apostles of the latter times. They will encounter many enemies in their spreading of this devotion, but they will also bring many victories to God. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, under the mantle of protection of the Blessed Virgin Mary, I ask for this mission to bring much glory to Jesus Christ, and I pray that each and every person who decides to set forth on this journey will be abundantly blessed and rise to greatness in the eyes of God Almighty. 

Hi, and welcome.

My name is Margo, and I used to run a blog called The Rosary Trail. Much of what I wrote about was centered around paranormal occurrences in and around my home that started in February 2009 and to this day, continue. Five years ago I closed down that blog to focus on other things, but recently I’ve felt compelled (maybe inspired) to start it up again, only this time with a completely different focus.
I’m not opposed to discussing with anyone the paranormal events that I’ve encountered throughout the last thirteen years, but over time and through prayer and reflection, I’ve come to the realization that my focus needs to be on something much more important. Rather than write about spooky activity that yes, may attract the ghost hunter aficionados, I’ve instead decided to use this blog, Hail Mary Pass, as a platform from which to share a devotion that I discovered over a decade ago, right around the time the paranormal activity had reached a peak. 
There was a man by the name of Louis Marie Grignion de la Bacheleraie who lived long ago and eventually became known as St. Louis De Montfort. He spread devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary far and wide, teaching people to see her as their own mother, loving and honoring her as they would their own mother. The devotion has brought many souls to God, converted sinners, and caused good works and miracles to flourish. Mary is the devil’s greatest enemy, and when we finally understand her role in our salvation, obstacles crumble and grace abounds. 

There is so much chaos and confusion in the world today, and it’s very difficult to know whom to trust and where to find the answers. There is a shortfall in honesty while narcissism runs amok and darkness blankets the land. Just when it seems you’ve finally hit on that golden nugget of truth, disappointment descends once again to slap you back to reality, and you are left with more questions than you started with. St. Louis De Montfort’s book, True Devotion to Mary, holds many secrets and hidden graces for anyone who wishes to put the devotion into practice. If nothing else, this devotion will provide you with a sense of peace and balance in your life, and you will find the truth that you’ve been searching for just by allowing the Blessed Mother into your heart.
St. Louis de Montfort
Feet of the the virgin mary statue
We have entered an era of great uncertainty. Sometimes it feels as if evil has overtaken the entire earth. Most everyone has heard of a “Hail Mary pass.” Maybe it’s time to reclaim the hijacked phrase from the sports world and use it for our own spiritual purposes and in the proper manner. But it isn’t entirely associated with sports enthusiasts, as the general public seems to have adopted the phrase for anything other than what should be its intended objective: Turn to the Mother of God for help when all else seems impossible. 
In closing, I want to again welcome you to this blog, thank you for stopping by, and encourage you to spend some time in prayer, asking the Holy Spirit if you might be called to learn about and practice this beautiful devotion of St. Louis De Montfort. You needn’t be a Catholic to discover the many treasures that it holds. The Holy Spirit will never lead you astray, so please, whatever belief system you happen to follow, just spend some time in your prayer or meditation, asking for discernment regarding this devotion. Remember that we all have a mother whom we honor and love. Why then should the Lord’s mother, the mother of all nations, deserve any less?
God bless you, and thank you.