Evil Spirits

In my last post, I asked if readers would like to offer their comments/suggestions as to what topics they’d like me to write about. I received one comment from a person named Patrick, and he said he’d like to read about spiritual warfare. So this post will be about evil spirits, and I am going to center it around my personal experiences from many years ago. 

On December 21, 2011, I was anticipating a visit from an exorcist priest who was going to be coming to my home the following day. He had originally planned a visit for several weeks earlier, but just before the original scheduled date, he got into a horrible car accident that landed him in the hospital for many days. The accident not only caused him to have to postpone his visit with me, but it shook me up as well, given the strange timing. I can still remember speaking with my parish priest about it. He reassured me that I was not the cause of the accident and that these types of the things happen all the time to exorcists when they are trying to help souls. I appreciated my priest’s perspective, but I still couldn’t help but feel terrible that I may have played a part in the exorcist’s misfortune.

Since 2009, three different priests had already been to my home, but none of them were able to effectively cast away the evil spirits that had been infesting it and the area around it with all kinds of problems, which I will get into later on. This exorcist priest was my fourth attempt at ridding my home of the nightmarish demonic activity that started in February 2009.

Poltergeist Activity?

A poltergeist is a paranormal phenomenon that consists of events alluding to the manifestation of an imperceptible entity. Such manifestation typically includes inanimate objects moving or being thrown about, sentient noises (such as impaired knocking, pounding, or banging) and, on some occasions, physical attacks on those witnessing the events.  

Some of the incidents that occurred in my house back then seemed to be of or related to what someone may call a poltergeist. A barrage of paranormal activity turned my home into a living hell. Screeches were heard in the basement, while eerie sounds of shoveling and chains dragging could be heard one floor above. Appliances and lights turned on and off by themselves. Objects disappeared and reappeared in the most unusual places. I was pushed to the ground by an invisible force. Foul odors permeated particular areas of the house, only to mysteriously evaporate. Windows and doors slammed on their own, and objects flew out of my hands. Stains appeared and then disappeared on walls and furniture. My dog was spooked by something I could not see or hear, as he nervously paced the interior of the house, sniffing the floors, and begging to be let outside; once outside, he would whine and growl at the front of the house. 

In June 2011 a priest had come to my home to say Mass and give the house a blessing. Not long after he left, the entire upstairs filled with the stench of sulfur. The priest had warned me in advance that things might get worse before they get better. I told him about the sulfur smell, and he believed it was a retaliatory reaction of the dark side toward his being there. That sulfur smell continued to linger on and off over a period of weeks, only it changed locations. The first upstairs episode was a one-time thing; the following sulfur episodes involved my downstairs bathroom and basement. I sprayed the areas with holy water, and remarkably the stench went away within minutes. I’m not sure whether paranormal activity that involves the sense of smell is an indication of a poltergeist or an evil spirit in general. Frankly, it doesn’t really matter because both are equally bad. There were other foul smells, too, that seemed to follow the sulfur incidents, maybe a month or so after the sulfur attacks had ceased, and then all of a sudden the smells were all gone.

Other things that happened to me back then: My dog’s dish seemed to get yanked out of my hand one morning and kibble flew everywhere. Now and then there were disturbances in the form of loud noises when I was saying the Rosary. My cats had been transported from one room to another or from the outdoors to the indoors. Physical issues in the form of headaches, stomach pains, and dizziness started out of nowhere and went away as quickly as they came on. My digital alarm clock went off in the middle of the night. Broken glass appeared in my cupboard. One night I had to call the police because my cat had somehow gotten trapped inside my desk, way back behind a drawer, and neither I nor the officer could figure out how she got in there because there was no opening large enough. Even stranger than that was how I saw her one minute, and the next minute she had somehow ended up in the desk. There wasn’t even enough time for that to have happened!

There are so many things I could tell you, so much to write about. I’m just not sure how interested you are? I have years of material that I’d be happy to share, but not everyone wants to read about such things. I suppose I’ll close with this letter I wrote to a priest back in 2014. I left out the priests’ names to protect their identities. Even after the exorcist’s visit on December 22, 2011, the problems in and around my house persisted for many years.

August 19, 2014

Hi Father (-),

I just wanted to give you an update on my house situation and let you know where things stand. I have left Father (-) four different voice mails, asking him to call me, the first of which was the day after you and I spoke a few weeks ago. So far, no response. I plan to call Monsignor (-) once he is back from his trip on September 1st and see if he will contact Father (-) for me.

The latest thing I’ve been dealing with is chilling screams coming from outside my bedroom window at night. Only one of my three cats can hear them, and no neighbors have heard them; neither has my dog, who barks at everything. It sounds like a combination of a human and an animal, and is a sickening sound. Fortunately, it is outside, but given all that has gone on inside my house, I am nevertheless very bothered by it.

I met with my (-) parish priest, Father (-), several days ago, but he seems to feel I am giving this too much attention. I explained to him that I just want to be left in peace, and when a dish flies out of my hand and spills food everywhere, it is difficult to pretend that nothing is wrong. But Father (-)’s only solution for me is to move out of my house, which I am not financially able to do at this time. He also told me that he is so focused on the Lord and his faith that no devil would be able to come at him because he is constantly striving to be in a state of grace. I, too, am constantly striving to be in a state of grace, but for some reason I still have this problem.

I am trying to find some help, but so far have hit walls. I am hoping that once I connect with Monsignor (-) in September he will put some pressure on Bishop (-) to do something about this.

Through my Catholic blog I have heard from countless people over the years who are being turned away by their local priests because either the priests do not believe that they are being spiritually harassed, or the priests don’t want to be bothered with it, possibly because they are fearful of the problem coming at them if they were to get involved. But what I wish these priests would realize is that this sort of negligence is what causes many people to leave the Church. I cannot tell you how many times readers of my blog have reached out to me, pleading with me to share your information with them so that they can contact you for help. Even non-Christians or Christians who are in RCIA have asked me to direct them as to where to go for spiritual help with issues concerning diabolical harassment, and I tell all of them the same thing: Contact your local parish priest or bishop. But when they do, usually they are ignored or not taken seriously.

You needn’t respond to my email, but I wanted to be sure to give you an idea as to where things stand, and let you know that I appreciate your being there, even if just for the mere fact that you believe me. It is very consoling to know that there is someone out there other than select family members who takes this issue as seriously as it needs to be taken. I hope you know that you are in my prayers.

Thank you,


1 thought on “Evil Spirits”

  1. Some slightly disconnected comments…I’m sure it’s not easy to condense in a short space all your experiences. I think people are very interested in reading about these things. I read this post right after reading an article linked on Liberty Daily (link below) about a Satanist who had a vision of Jesus and changed his life. Hostage to the Devil is a great book about possession; I expected it to read like a horror novel, and in parts it did, but what was so interesting was the impression it left me with upon closing the book: the overwhelming love of Jesus and His great sacrifice for us.

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